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First off, a Yana is a really beautiful and amazing person. They can seem cold sometimes but have a lot of love for you. 100% an introvert and mentally ill but acts like it’s fine and they’re able to live with it. Will always listen to you and make you feel better by telling you that they can relate and know how you feel. They cuss a lot and have mood swings but are funny either way. Yana’s are something really special. If you ever get close to one don’t let them go. And take care of them cause they deserve all the love!! Also, Yana’s are probably either a weeb or a kpop stan .-. or both..

Person 1: Woah! Who is that?

Me: That’s my bestie Yana! You wish you could have her >:)
Person 2: Damn yes I mean look at her.

by cxaxlxqx November 21, 2021

14👍 2👎


First off, a Yana is a really beautiful and amazing person. They can seem cold sometimes but have a lot of love for you. 100% an introvert and mentally ill but acts like it’s fine and they’re able to live with it. Will always listen to you and make you feel better by telling you that they can relate and know how you feel. They cuss a lot and have mood swings but are funny either way. Yana’s are something really special. If you ever get close to one don’t let them go. And take care of them cause they deserve all the love!! Also, Yana’s are probably either a weeb or a kpop stan .-. or both..

Person 1: Woah! Who is that?

Me: That’s my bestie Yana! You wish you could have her >:)
Person 2: Damn yes I mean look at her.

by cxaxlxqx November 21, 2021