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Sexual arousal caused by music.

"Hey is it weird that I masturbate to music not porn? I have certain songs that I love to masturbate to, and certain parts always make me come. But I don't think the song itself is sexy at all!"

"Nah bro, sounds like melolagnia to me. All good."

by dapperchapper July 21, 2017

41👍 2👎


A fake term someone made up in 2008 to describe a variety of sexual fetishes, preferences and kinks including melolagnia (arousal from music), acousticophilia (fetish for various sounds) and ecouteurism (eavesdropping on people for sexual pleasure).

"I'm aroused by music. I have auralism."
"No mate, you have melolagnia."

"I'm sexually aroused by auditory stimulus, including music, songs, poetry, speaking in a particular foreign language, screaming, panting, moaning, groaning, and heavy breathing. I have auralism"

"No mate. You are an acousticophiliac"

"I get off on eavesdropping on people having sex without them knowing. I have auralism."
"No mate. You're describing ecouteurism"

by dapperchapper July 21, 2017

97👍 83👎


Acousticophilia is defined as being sexually aroused by any auditory stimulus (including music, songs, poetry, verbal abuse, speaking in a particular foreign language, screaming, panting, moaning, groaning, and heavy breathing). The key to defining it as acousticophilia appears to be that the stimulus itself is not necessarily sexualized.

Willow found that when they were masturbating, playing the sound of someone laughing always made them orgasm. They found the same with certain key changes in music, harmonies, specific YouTube videos and bird calls. Willow has acousticophilia.

by dapperchapper July 21, 2017

58👍 2👎


Being sexually aroused by eavesdropping on people, often people having sex or using the toilet.

It's like voyeurism for the ears.

"Ew! I just saw a guy in the female toilets with a microphone masturbating!"
"Sounds like an ecouteurist!"

"I feel so guilty. I overheard my neighbours having sex and it out me in the mood and I got off on it!"
"Well, sounds like you've discovered you're into ecouteurism!"

by dapperchapper July 21, 2017

10👍 2👎