Source Code

Dirty Creamer

A male who has an STD

I heard that guy over there is a dirty creamer now. I think he has the clap

by dat93virgo April 7, 2009

4👍 1👎


Acronym for Fat Ugly Goat (or Fat Ugly Girl). A General insult, usually used against females, that can also somehow be used as a replacement for the word "fuck" in the phrase "fuck you" (althought the mechanics of it dont quite work) Also can be used to replace "bitch"

Boy 1: Dude, that girl jus kicked me because i said she had a fat ass.

Boy 2: Whatever, she's a F.U.G anyway.

by dat93virgo April 7, 2009

4👍 2👎

Dirty Cream

(also dirty creme) Used to refer to the semen or "creme" of any guy who has contracted an STD. Can be used as a warning. Dirty Creamer is used to refer to the guy carrying the disease.

Girl 1- That guy over there is really cute. I think I might go talk to him.

Girl 2- Oh no, you don't want him. I heard he got that dirty cream.

Girl 1- Omg, nevermind then.

by dat93virgo April 7, 2009

8👍 7👎