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Impenetrable, incomprehensible, gibberish, utterly foreign, incapable of being understood.

This is the more traditional, colloquial meaning in American slang. Something, usually text or a learned subject, that is difficult to comprehend or understand.

"I am trying to learn calculus, but failing miserably. It's all Greek to me."

"Can you read what it says on the menu? It's all greek to me."

by david lincoln brooks November 5, 2017

7πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

shit, shave, shower and shine

Originating in the U.S. Army of WWII, this is the shorthand slogan to describe the hygiene preparation an enlisted soldier must do to ready himself for a military inspection by superiors.

"Shine" refers to the careful and thorough polishing of one's black military boots.

Now it has entered civilian use to mean preparation for any important social event in which one must look good, often abbreviated nowadays to just "shit, shave and shower".

Soldier 1: "We've got an inspection later today from the brass."

Soldier 2: "Guess it's time to shit, shave, shower and shine."

by david lincoln brooks February 18, 2013

24πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

peed in the punchbowl

Slang phrase meaning figuratively to spoil a good thing or favorable situation by some erring, usually small, behavior.

Michael Dukakis seemed like a good presidential candidate; but he peed in the punchbowl by revealing he had been treated for depression.

Oprah Winfrey's TV network was going well until her CEO peed in the punchbowl with her incompetence and was fired.

by david lincoln brooks May 6, 2011

2πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


An aparatchik is someone who enters a pre-existing human hierarchy (like a corporation, a government or an online Forum) purely for egotistical reasons of his/her own. In other words, they have no sympathy or interest in THE ORIGINAL TOPIC OR CAUSE for which the corporation, government or forum was created; rather, they simply see the hierarchy as a ladder by which they can cynically achieve their own selfish aims (money, power, visibility, etc.)

The city politics of Finetown used to be so interesting, as its founders were passionate crusaders who truly wanted to create a utopia; today, however, Finetown's council is filled with bored aparatchiks who just seek to get ahead and make money without accomplishing anything.

by david lincoln brooks January 26, 2009

13πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

white gold

Adult human semen, when donated to a sperm bank or fertility clinic in exchange for money... usually around $50 a donation. Often a source of quick easy funds for college males.

Frat boy 1: "Can you go in with us for a keg this weekend?"

Frat Boy 2: "I'm broke now, but I'll have 60 bucks to chip in after I drop off some white gold."

Frat Boy 1: "So you've managed to turn your hobby into a business, I see..?"

by david lincoln brooks April 27, 2007

16πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž

Take the Mickey out of

This phrase is not new; the full phrase is "to take the Mickey (out of someone)"
Britons have been using this figure of speech for decades, if not centuries. A "Mickey" of course, is a "Mick": a pejorative, racist term for an Irishman (so nicknamed because so many Irish surnames begin with Mc- or Mac-) It is a common stereotype, in both the UK and USA, that Irish men have volatile tempers, like to brawl, and make good boxers. So, To "take the Mickey (out of someone)" means to take the fight, the vigor, the gravity, the self-importance out of them, by mocking them, usually in a very subtle way.

Headmaster: "...so I expect you boys to comport yourself with the full dignity befitting students of this establishment of secondary learning."

Student: "Oh yes, we will sir. We'll even wear our school blazers to bed."

Headmaster: "If I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to take the Mickey out of me!"

by david lincoln brooks September 28, 2006

447πŸ‘ 187πŸ‘Ž


From the world of commercial perfumery: When a particular fragrance, masculine or feminine, has been a huge success, its makers will often try to capitalize on its success by creating "spinoff" fragrances. These "spinoffs", called flankers, might be similar to the original olfactorily, but with a different spin or variation put on it. "Light" versions, "sport" versions, "veil" versions are common types of flanker.

Traditional SHALIMAR perfume seems heavy and musky to a whole new generation of Millennial women accustomed to fragrances which smell detergent, aquatic and ultra "clean". With this in mind, the company's house, GUERLAIN OF PARIS, has launched a new flanker: a much lighter version of the classic 1925 sexbomb, pruned of its muskier elements, called simply SHALIMAR LIGHT.

by david lincoln brooks July 21, 2008

73πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž