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short for the hebrew "arsawat", the ars is a unique creature found in modern day israel. it is much more difficult to define than it is to describe the ars: violent, gold chain (gormet) wearing gangster-esque Jewish israeli, commonly of "mizrahi" decent. the ars is infamous for his tendency to stab people with minimal provocation.

by the time i spotted the ars it was too late; i had already been headbutted severely (see "ginga")

by david weiss July 20, 2006

232👍 94👎


ginga (hard G, as in "gone", not like in "Geneva") in hebrew is quite the same as "rasia". most simply put, it is a headbutt of magnificent proportions. an offensive move popularised by the Israeli "ars", gingas are both lethal and stylish. they often result in a free ride from "magen david adom" (ambulance).

that ginga left him with 1 eye, half a nostril, and a receding hairline! he'll never insult some1's mother again.

by david weiss July 20, 2006

8👍 40👎