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n./adj. (หˆษกษ”r-mษ›t) A shortened version of the word "gourmet" used to refer to non-gourmet foods, such as overpriced hotdogs or deli cheese with ritz crackers sloppily arranged on a paper plate. May also be used interchangeably with the word "hotdog".

Bro, this gormet kool-aid I got from the Costco is legit!
Whoa, it's a chili-gormet! For only $8!
I went to my favorite restaurant the other day, and they had a gormet selection of <favorite food items here> for 20% off!

by arial_dragon_dancer November 4, 2020

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Ghetto Gormet

Enhancing the most basic meals with a little zazz. For example, taking KD and saucing it up with some cajun spice, ground beef, and shredded swiss for a gormet KD.

Playa 1: "no way I'm eating raman, dude. That shit is nasty."
Playa 2: "Chill; I'm a ghetto gormet."

by Paluka Joe March 24, 2008

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