Source Code


Klackon has often been feared by many computernerds alike. His skills in Unreal Tournament are not to be laughed at (hard). Legend has it he has lost his power and is currently in state of low of no return...we shall see

An Icelander posing as a dane who spends most of his time watching shemale porn.

by demon November 10, 2004

3πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

oh dah jo

Something someone on the brink of turning senial would say.

these fuckin kids are driving me nuts! OH DAH JO!

by demon February 25, 2004

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


sucking dick hard

suckm baby suck

by demon May 14, 2003

33πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


An East Coast state which is generally regarded in a incredibly negative light by travelers and tourists, it's one redeeming factor being the infamous Philly cheesesteak.

(example deemed unnecessary, being as it would merely restate every other example on this page.)

by demon February 5, 2004

23πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž


A powerfull weapon in the Half-Life mod called Counter Strike.

Many nerds try to save their money to buy an Afghan to kill then enemy team.

Afghans dont come cheap, but make up for that with their extreme amounts of nuclear power.
In the CS (Counter-Strike) community there are a group of Afghan whores who strive to buy heaps of Afghans in wars.

If an elite team of CS nerds gets their hands on a few Afghans, the enemy team is in for some ass-whooopin.

Example 1:
CS Player #1: OMG i have been saving for 4 rounds to buy me an Afghan... Finally!
CS Player #2: STFU Noob, you Afghan whore! Go suck your Afghan now n00b.

Example 2: ( Scene: CS war at a LAN )
Clan1|Leader (Terroists): Hurry up and buy some f*ckink Afghan guys and use its nuclear power to take the bombsite!
Clan1|Player2 (Terriosts): Your a huge nerd

by demon February 3, 2005

20πŸ‘ 145πŸ‘Ž


An extremely powerfull weapon cablable of killing anything in its path. Many people try to use the TMP, but fail misserably.
Only the best hugest nerds that play CS all day long, are able to snipe with the TMP on maps such as de_dust2 and de_inferno

Many times have i been raped by a huge nerd at huge ranged, but this is only possible with a TMP.

The only weapon cabable of beating a huge nerd with a TMP is a huge nerd with duel scoped, duel berreta elites with duel laser sights.

Huge nerd #1 is CT and buys TMP.
Huge nerd #1's team is ecoing and decides to all camp B.
Huge nerd #2 is T and buys Elites.

Huge nerd #1 tries to sniper with the TMP at mid through DD.
Huge nerd #2 Duel Sniper Duel Elites mid from T spawn.

Huge nerd #2 killed Huge nerd #1 with a duel elites
Huge nerd #2 killed SK|Heaton with a duel elites
Huge nerd #2 killed SK|Potti with a duel elites
Huge nerd #2 killed SK|Fisker with a duel elites
Huge nerd #2 killed SK|Element with a duel elites


by demon February 3, 2005

50πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


A prostitute with an attitude. acts Mean or charges to much for a blow job.

That bitch-hoe just made me pay $40 to get a handy!!!

by demon July 21, 2004

19πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž