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1) A popular book that just isn't good enough.

2) When a popular author brings out a crap book. (often used as 'to come ovono' or 'go onovo')

(derived from 'ovo' and 'no'- egg and no.

1) 'And I said- "Lord, the Harry Potter set are basically ovono!"

2) 'Tony Parsons has came onovo with his new book, The Maggot was Born'

by derangedpoet July 14, 2003

fair dues

1) Enough respect to you/him...
2) I appreciate what he did/ your point of view.

Sometimes said as 'fair due', it comes from 'fair is due to the comrade'

"So I managed to menage-a-trois, last night" "Fair dues to the bigman!"

by derangedpoet July 14, 2003

89πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


Ironically, a salutation to someone small in stature...

"Big up to the bigman!"

by derangedpoet July 14, 2003

8πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

lingua franca

1) A language used as vernacular for communication amongst many speakers of different languages, i.e. a creole.
2) An early version of this, a mix of English, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic and other languages with Italian.
3) (British) The English variant used by many Asian immigrants, mixing English with Indian tongues like Gujarati, Urdu/Hindi, Sinhalese, etc.

1) Swahili is the lingua franca in East Africa. Millions of people who speak indigenous languages also speak it for communication.

by derangedpoet October 9, 2003

55πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


1) 'Love' based on lust and physical attraction.

Amalgamation of /tw/enty-first and l/ove/

Jimmy's in twove- yet again- with so'slut he met at the party...

... I'm sure

by derangedpoet July 14, 2003

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The process of fighting the urge to use a prostitute...

Leno an't sex for a year- he's in the bullfighting stage...

by derangedpoet July 14, 2003

20πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


Exclaimation meaning "what a mistake!" or "how terrible!"

"Bryguy was photographed in the bath by his ex- now, it's all over the internet"


by derangedpoet July 14, 2003