Source Code


What my best friend's sister sounds like. And if she sees this, she'll kill him. Muahahahaha!

Me: What was that noise? Was that your dog?
Him: Nah, that was my sister.

by detranova July 29, 2003

6πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


A meaningless word assigned to you that lets people judge you before they know you.

Your name's Weniger? What a sh*thead!

by detranova July 29, 2003

2334πŸ‘ 1254πŸ‘Ž


The best site ever.

Go to www.endlesscomplexity.com!

by detranova July 29, 2003

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


N-th dimensional beings that both created the universes, and destroyed them. They are nearly immortal since they control time, and have powers beyond all, including control of all the dimensions. The most powerful Gods are Ancients, who are creators and destroyers alike, and can only be described as N+ dimensional beings.

God does not exist. The Gods do.

by detranova December 1, 2003

46πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


Unlike Demons, which are extradimensional creatures, Daemons are what are best described as negative beings, or walking vortexes of dark matter. They are beings of pure evil that are from a prallel universe. As soon as a gap is breached between our universe and theirs, a massive extinction often occurs. Daemons are unstoppable, except by the Demons and Gods.

The last Daemon invasion took place 65 million years ago, and wiped out the first truly intelligent civilization on earth.

by detranova December 3, 2003

43πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž

Puff the Magic Dragon

A new blue man act.

Hey! The blue man group just did Puff the Magic Dragon! That's copyrighted material! Let's start a riot!

by detranova July 29, 2003

6πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


The Druid is a class of magic-wielder that is similar to the nechanter, but relies upon spiritual magic. The Druid is at peace with nature, and often is considered a protecter of the ecosystem. He is gifted with blessing weapons, controlling animals, and using nature as a weapon. Druids are reknowned for their ability to call upon fierce wolf packs to their aid, and controlling natural phenonmena, such as hurricanes and monsoons, and using them as a weapon. The Druid is very calm, and almost as wise as the Wizard, but they have been known to go into uncontrolled fits of rage when the environment is in danger.

The Druid Ashnir is said to have adopted a bear cub as his son.

by detranova August 4, 2003

89πŸ‘ 136πŸ‘Ž