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1.) A word (derogatory) that implies someone is stupid or reckless.
2.) A term for drugs (most commonly heroin or cannabis).

1.) Jeremy walked into a phone booth, what a dope!

2.) Hey kids, let's go smoke some dope!

by diamondmanizzle3 October 28, 2013

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lava floor

a game young children make up where they usually put cushions on the floor and have to jump only on those cushions to get to certain places.

john: if you jump on the lava you will die
bob: that why i not going to jump on the lava floor.

by diamondmanizzle3 October 26, 2013

Mid-life crisis,

1.) What most cats seem to be into.
2.) What dogs are like when they're dinner bowl is empty.
3.) What humans call the point of their life when they realise they can't be want they want to be or when they realise half their life is gone and the rest of their life involves tea, coffee and hospitals.

Damn, Stephen is in a real mid-life crisis, he dresses up everyday as a Bowie alter ego, look at him now, a bloody thin white duke.

by diamondmanizzle3 August 5, 2013

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Those evil looking things you see on the ceiling. On occasions you will see a gnat, get real close to so you can kill it, and then suddenly realise it's a moth! This is all part of the Gnats plan...It will now stick his menacing probe in any part of your body and you won't even realise.

Whilst you are chilling out listen to some David Bowie:

Peter: Have you heard Beauty And The Beast yet? It's in the Heroes album.
Stephen: AGHHHHHH!!!!!!
Peter: What is it?
Stephen: It's a gnat!!!! Get under the covers quick!
Peter: (heroically) No don't worry, I shall exterminate it!
Stephen: Oh you hero!
Peter: No, wait it's a moth.

by diamondmanizzle3 August 2, 2013

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One Eyed

Only seeing in one direction.
Oblivious to other views and opinions.

Person 1: Homosexuality is wrong!
Person 2: But they've found love, surely if two people find...
Person 1: (Interrupts) IT'S WRONG!

Example of someone being One Eyed

by diamondmanizzle3 February 23, 2014

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lyric stump

When you are producing words for a song (or something like that) and you all of a sudden lack any quality in your lyrics or genuinely can't think of any, this is called a lyric stump and it is a very common problem among all types of musicians, and some solutions involve:
Listening to Music
Reading something
Painting or looking at other paintings
You get the idea.

This will often happen if you are changing how you are singing about something and/or what you are singing about.

An example of a lyric stump:
He knocks on Satan's door
Delivers whom he bore
And...And..err...Damn it! I was getting somewhere with this!

by diamondmanizzle3 August 2, 2013

old man veins

You know how old people get those veins popping out their skins and it is pretty gross (they look like ropes), those are old man veins

person1:My Grandpa has blue ropes on the back of his hands
person2:You mean old man veins

by diamondmanizzle3 October 28, 2013