Source Code

Up there

A person who is a dickhead and is high up on the dickhead ladder. They may get on this ladder by dogging the boys or womming.

1. "You know Louie, mate?"
2. "Yeah man."
1. "He's up there, you know."

by dickheadhikes April 9, 2018

17👍 5👎

Big Unit

Someone who's a part of the fellas and is a bit of a lad. Even if they are tiny in physical size, you can still call them a big unit.

1: "You know DT?"
2. "Yeah mate, he's a bit of a big unit,"
1: "What about Louie, mate?"
2:"Even tho he's tiny, mate, he's still a big unit,"
1:"Ye mate."
1:"Have a good one mate."
2:"You too mate."

by dickheadhikes August 1, 2018

11👍 4👎