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texas two step

when two country boys get into a fight.

earl: "hey joe, willy and jesse just did the texas two step"
joe: "I know, willy kicked jesse's ass".

by diggymac July 19, 2018

unintuitive fucknut

A fucking stupid add crazy person

Example Earl "im gonna ride a shopping cart off this roof to prove to Charlene im cool"

JoJo " omg ur such an unintuitive fucknut Earl

by diggymac May 24, 2017

Wagon dragon

Old west terminology for a Gatling gun mounted on a wagon, the aforementioned Gatling gun being the "dragon" mounted on the wagon which is just that, a wagon.

Outlaw #1 these damn marshals got us surrounded
Outlaw #2 haul in the wagon dragon.

by diggymac March 6, 2020


A redneck, similar to that of a hood-rat, but from the woods, this person I countrified. They probably drive a big lifted truck, own a farm and act tough, despite him being from the country this person is not stupid and will actually fuck your day up if you piss him off.

He has a on off switch for his country boy charm and will steal your girl in a heartbeat if he wants to, he often will be seen drinking l, smoking Marlboros and playing loud country/hickhop music while driving a truck or tractor.

Girl #1: omg jake is sooo annoying with his country boy shit.

Girl #2: nah he just a cool wood-rat

by diggymac May 30, 2018

4👍 1👎

fucked outta commission

when something is broken so bad it cant be fixed

bobby " i done drove earls tractor into the ditch and blowed er up"
Ricky "well it's fucked outta commission now you unintuitive fucknut"

by diggymac March 1, 2018

fucked outta commission

when something is broken so bad it cant be fixed

bobby " i done drove earls tractor into the ditch and blowed er up"
Ricky "well it's fucked outta commission now you unintuitive fucknut"

by diggymac March 1, 2018

fucked outta commission

when something is broken so bad it cant be fixed

bobby " i done drove earls tractor into the ditch and blowed er up"
Ricky "well it's fucked outta commission now you unintuitive fucknut"

by diggymac March 1, 2018