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Jambalaya, without any pork products.

We were going to make Jambalaya but, since Phil is Jewish, he can't eat any pork products. We had to leave out the ham and sausage and settle for Jewmbalaya instead.

by dirtyjeff March 21, 2008

45👍 9👎

berry basket

Simply a scrotum, nutsack, etc.

I shaved my berry basket on Tuesday and now it itches.

by dirtyjeff March 17, 2008

45👍 3👎

Fogo de Jew

A Brazilian Steakhouse that serves only Kosher meats.

We were going to go to Fogo de Chao but Phil got bent out of shape because he's jewish and can't eat any pork. He insisted that we go to Fogo de Jew instead.

by dirtyjeff November 9, 2008

32👍 12👎

Hilary Doof

A somewhat cute blonde girl, with limited acting and singing ability, who has been propelled to stardom by the Disney Company.

Rana: "Are you going to the Hilary Duff concert?"
Phil: "The Hilary Doof concert? You've got to be fucking kidding me, right?"

by dirtyjeff June 11, 2008

67👍 24👎


Another way of saying that someone or something is "the shit".

Man, Al Gore is turdrific! He's really the shit!

by dirtyjeff March 21, 2008

50👍 3👎


A form of torture, similar to waterboarding, that influences compliance of a prisoner by subjecting them to the simulated experience of drowning. The interrogation subject is restrained and a sheet of fabric is wrapped over their face. Then, between 4 and 10 men simultaneously urinate on the prisoners face, which induces gagging and vomiting almost immediately. The prisoner typically begs to be executed after 3-4 seconds of pissboarding. Prisoners subjected to pissboarding often have mental scars that last a lifetime.

Chris: "Did the pissboarding get him to confess?"
Ed: "Who fuckin' cares? I've got another 12 beers to drink."

by dirtyjeff June 11, 2008

51👍 2👎


A derogatory term, referring to Asian males who modify old economy cars to make them louder and slower, in an attempt to look cool and compensate for their miniscule penises. The true result of these efforts is that the loud car draws attention to the fact that they’re an idiot, with a slow, loud car and a tiny penis.

The term “rice” is slang for “rice dick”, which itself originates from the fact that the typical Asian male has a penis that’s no larger than a single grain of rice.

R.I.C.E. is also considered to be an acronym for Really Infinitesimal Cock Exhibition.

Phil: "Oh my god! That fuckin’ idiot cut the muffler off his 1991 Civic and taped a trash can lid to the roof to act as a spoiler."
Mark: "Stupid fuckin’ Rice."

by dirtyjeff June 12, 2008

77👍 64👎