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Simple Plan

A Pop-Punk Band formed in Montreal, Canada. Great guys that don't deserve all the shit that people give. They write their lyrics through the eyes of their fans and therefor (despite popular belief) are not "complaining". The members are great guys and they're probably one of the best live shows out there today. Doesn't anybody have anything better to do today than make fun of bands they absolutely "can't stand"?

So Simple Plan is musically talented and they're very down-to-earth. Stop hatin'.

Me: Hey what are you doing?

Kid with no life: oh nothing.. just devoting a ton of time writing this definition about simple plan (whom I can't stand) and bashing on all their fans because they're just teenyboppers... when i could be listening to the bands i do like or maybe even going outside and getting off the damn computer.

Me: stfu.

by divad10 July 12, 2006

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