Source Code


A girlfriend or wife

Keep your hands off my Nynk!

by dixiedog November 19, 2003

3👍 10👎


A chic who is a very, very good lay!

I hooked up with this chic Mandy lastnight!
What a Hamhock!

by dixiedog November 16, 2003

20👍 89👎


a dirty slut, whore bitch

My ex-girlfriend is such a scag! She did 3 guy's last night!

by dixiedog November 19, 2003

191👍 238👎


A word that combines all the "ATTRIBUTES" of a Whore, Skank, Slut, Cunt.

That new girl friend of Mike's screwed his best friend, stole his cd player, she's dumb as a box of rocks. "MAN", what a Slard!

by dixiedog November 16, 2003

7👍 8👎


Totally wacked outta your mind on coke, crank or crack that you can't do any more and live!

"Like, Dude! Been Crankin' for 2 days now! I'm sooooo STIZZED!"

by dixiedog November 19, 2003

1👍 16👎

slam hound

another word for a gutter slut

Mindy did 4 guy's the other night! What a slam hound!

by dixiedog November 19, 2003

18👍 9👎