Source Code

2jz gte

This is a engine code for a very famous toyota engine. It came in cars such as. Mk4 supras and the aristo.

It is a 3.0 liter inline 6 with a block of cast iron. Possibly one of the greatest engines to ever be in production.

It is being seen more and more in drifting in cars such as toyota chaser (jxz100 and jzx110) nissan silvia/180sx/240sx (ps13, rps13, s14, and s15) toyota sc300/soarer.

This particular engine can handle more than 800whp on the stock bottom end.

Brian: pop the hood.
Torreto: pop the hood?
Brian: pop the hood!!!
Jessie: 2jz engine....no shit?!?!?!?!

"2jz gte is the best engineered engine to ever be built"

by dmuhfukkinbeezy May 22, 2009

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