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1.a awp,deagle, And ak47 whore in counter strike

2. A person who sucks and use hacks to save their nerd ass in counter strike

1."OmFG dat nubbah just frickin killed me!!!!!"

2. -record-
1 kill. 1337 deaths
Egay says "its time 2 b a nubbah n suk balls!!!!"

by dokphenom January 20, 2008


a fat asian who has at least have three chins

chinese guy: am i fat?
chinese chick: no!
chinese guy: rele how?!
chinese girl: cuz u wud be a chunky instead of a chink

by dokphenom January 21, 2008

5👍 35👎


1.snap+nipples. Its an expression when its cold and when you see a hot chick

*50 cent passes by*
alstin:oh snipples!!!!!!

*jessica alba passes by*
Stakes:oh snipples!!!

by dokphenom January 20, 2008

6👍 19👎