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to borrow something intending to not return it or to borrow something and decide to keep it.

we can easily get those items, i can storrow them off a friend.

by dr.freedom December 4, 2010

7👍 30👎


the state of being very high on mdma. (grilling, grilling out)

holy shit. look at tony dance! he's fuckkn grilled!

by dr.freedom December 1, 2010

45👍 30👎


the state of being too "grilled" (high) on MDMA.

jonny's grillin'- dancing and having a blast... but brian is having a brain rideout- his eyes are rolling like a slot machine and he's stomping around the room like godzilla!!

by dr.freedom June 11, 2011


a party where most in attendance are high on mdma.

the party went on until eight in the morning. it was a total griller.

by dr.freedom December 1, 2010

30👍 11👎