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Lost right now

A term a homosexual man might refer to himself as when extremely sexually aroused. Typically, the man is also unable to satisfy said sexual desires, so much that he will begin humping random objects or friends.

Jakob: "Man, I'm so lost right now. " *Begins making love to wall*
Jakob II: "Dude, everyone can see you. You can have gay butt sex later, okay?"

by dude-man69 October 5, 2021

6👍 2👎

EDP's cupcake

Alias used by popular rapper Kanye East in the hit song "Fortnite Balls", revealing that he is in fact EDP's sexual partner.
Originated from drama surrounding competitive eater EDP's sussy choice in cupcake flavour.

"I'm EDP's cupcake, Kim cheated
Laugh my ass off, big cheese
Kim left me, 19$ Fortnite card"
- Kanye East, Fortnite Balls

by dude-man69 October 6, 2021

42👍 3👎