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Meaning disassembled and in shambles. Bit of both. I had heard this word years ago and all this time wondered if it was a real word. Apparently now it is.

"Billy ! Clean your room for heaven sake, it's totally dishembled !"

by dw8177 June 30, 2022


I've heard this word a few times now. It means when someone appears threatening but does not actually back it up with feats of strength or bravado. They are threatposing. Posing to be threatening but that's about it.

"I went by Darby's Bar yesterday and there was a bouncer there threatposing at the door."
"Yeah, I know who you mean. That's Gill. Beneath all that toughness he's a real creampuff."

by dw8177 August 16, 2020


Your basic hand job for a man but without a climax. It is just to titillate - or if she's too tired to complete it.

Alice gave me a handgie last evening, I had blue balls all that night.

by dw8177 May 23, 2016

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Speakish is where someone has obviously uses a voice-to-text method to write out something that is printed or on the internet because its grammar is incorrect or badly put together using a homophone. Examples are "there" "they're" and "their." "Bear" and "bear." "Brake" and "break." Also "gift" and "gif." Making a real difference in communication quality.

"James, did you see this ad for new cars ? That is totally within my price range !"
"I don't know, Brad. look at the ad. It says, 'Our cars are hot. Get them while there still here.' That's speakish. Not a sign of quality advertising I believe and reflects badly on the company itself."

by dw8177 September 3, 2021

joy toilet

A "Joy Toilet" is a person who sucks the joy out of absolutely anything and everything around them. A bit like a black hole with light really.

It was worded and defined in Dav Pilkey's Netflix Series, "Captain Underpants." in the episode labeled, "The Vexing Villainy Of The Vile Vimpire."

"Laugh this off, Joy Toilet !" as George Beard pointed a Blisskrieg 2000 at the "Vimpire," which was earlier loaded with videos of people being hit in the face with loaves of bread - deemed funny enough to return the Vimpire back to normal student Jessica.

by dw8177 March 30, 2019


A Gleep is the name for a person who basically doesn't want to do things the "easy" way. They are feisty and giving trouble. They don't knuckle under pressure nor give in to paying a "protection" fee for either themselves or their business and go so far as to "spit in someone's eye" to show they won't be bullied by gang members.

Because of this, they aren't long for this world and are often killed by someone in that gang, usually to leave a message to the other merchants, "pay or else ..."

Dialogue from Twilight Zone, "Nervous Man In A Four Dollar Room."

"So tomorrow morning, they find the old gleep sprawled across his bar. And then all the rest of them swing in line."

by dw8177 April 30, 2018

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An expletive similar to wow or ouch, in this case it refers to feeling faint because of a famous and highly admired person being in their presence.

"Gleeps, it's Batman !"
(as spoken in the pilot episode, "Hi Diddle Riddle" from the 1966 series Batman).

by dw8177 December 15, 2016

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