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the stool softener

A homo or heterosexual act of intensely pounding the colon into utter submission. Most often performed with a full intestinal load of feces, ready for expelment. The act is ended with the anus exploding out the contents into the softener-er's hot ejaculatory goo.

Frenchy hated his ex-girlfriend so much for giving him Hep-C, he performed "The Stool Softener" on her the next weekend when she called up drunk and wanted some action. She passed out in a warm Spunk Loaf later that night.

by e-rips December 16, 2003

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Grit Slit

The condition of a female vaginal cavity during a Sexual Transmitted Disease. Scabs form over the open sores in the cavity and produce a very rigid environment.
Men who venture into these tough tunnels often are met with much friction and a gritty, sandpaper-like feeling during intercourse. Often producing open woulds and sores on the head and shaft of the cock, but produce a kind of accomplishment on the part of the conquerer of this cheese-grater like trophy.

Ricky Milton was gonna get him his first hooker with his birthday money he got from his mom. When he finally got naked and inserted into his new birthday present he was greeted with a the GRIT SLIT from hell. Being the non-quitter he is, he was determined to ride Sandpaper Sally to the end. So he pumped and pumped until his bone exploded all over it. The next few weeks he spent pissing blood and peeling scabs.

by e-rips January 6, 2004

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Shot Knights

The Shot Knights are a group of dedicated individuals bent on the spread of fun, friends and drinking. With its sole existance comprised of defending the honor of drinking and spreading the word of alcohol, Shot Knights will conquer all evil by the mere act of taking a shot.
Forged in the bars and living rooms of Houston, the Shot Knights shall march on in the name of drinking and just having a damn good time. Official members of the USBDT, the Shot Knights are here to represent their drinking bretheren in body and in spirit. Raise one and toast the Shot Knights...

Visit them: www.shotknights.com

The Shot Knights are here to drink and drink they shall. Watch out for those bottles of liquor, for they will be empty very soon...

by e-rips August 15, 2006

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Phallic Salad

The act of orally pleasing the male retcal area while simultaneously pleasing the man's throbbing penis head.
Usually performed while the shaft is flacid and bendable, then after full erection the 'meal' is concluded with a solo performance on the Rusty Trombone.

Earl was one to always cut corners. Even when he was out with his man-friend.
So, to cut the time of his homosexual date in half, he just had a nice PHALLIC SALAD to finish the dinner. Now, it was onto the movie part of the date...

by e-rips January 5, 2004

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Knuckle Trumpet

A euphamism for masterbation. Similar to a Skin Flute.
the act of "rubbing one out". jacking off. stroking it. sowing your own seed

Barney was so lonely on Saturday night, he just sat alone in his living room and played a slow, slippery tune on his KNUCKLE TRUMPET

by e-rips October 8, 2003

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Clit Pickle

The term used to describe a very sour tasting, unpleasurable experience had by a person entering the genital area of an 'unwashed' woman. Usually after days or weeks of neglect the clitoris begins to become sour and tart tasting to the human tounge. Any attemt to place this object in one's mouth usually end up in a state of YUKKK!

After 2 hours of sweet talking, Rodney needed to orally satisfy Marcie before getting his carrot wet. So, without prior viewing, he went straight downtown, only to find out she had a ghastly clit pickle waiting for him. By then it was too late

by e-rips September 26, 2003

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Pus Thrust

The act of viciously sodomizing a female that has profuse acne in and about the buttocks area. The massive thrusting motion ruptures the white tops of the zits, cause all the accumulated pus to spill out onto the butt cheeks and into the colon. Often used as a 'natural' lubricant to aid in the anal penetration.
The aftermath usually leaves a large and unsightly mess on both participants.

After Betty, the zit queen, had come out of the back room at Bill's party she was hesitant to sit down. We could all tell that Jimmy had give her quite a PUS THRUST earlier because he had a bunch of caked white goo on the front of his pants. What a sick fuck!

by e-rips December 30, 2004

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