Source Code

sussy mcgee

idk it's what my little brother says

ur acting sussy mcgee

by eggsbad July 10, 2021


1: when your feeling down.
2: suck a dick
3: a song by XXXTENTACION

1: man i have to go the therapist because i feel sad
2: SAD why don't you.
3: my favourite XXXTENTACION song is sad!

by eggsbad June 8, 2021


FYI; Fuck You Idiot. When you're really mad at someone and you think they are so bad at whatever, you say FYI, also meaning For Your Information.

John: Raid Shadow Legends is the best game ever.
Jane: FYI
John: huh?

by eggsbad April 24, 2021

9👍 9👎


you say it when someone's got a runny nose

A: how's work?
B: *sniffle*
A: damn you got the drip
B: *SNiffFlE*
B: okay.

by eggsbad June 8, 2021

6👍 4👎