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A flounder is the act of pushing one's buttocks together while standing and defecating, resulting in two brown smears forming on each of the buttocks. These smears each are flat, brown, and circular, much like the shape of the flounder fish. Floundering is preferably done in the shower, so that one can simply rinse the flounders off when done, and no one has to know about it.

Matt told me about how he gave himself a flounder last night, and went into way too much detail. Gross!

by ehuzzah August 14, 2020

55👍 14👎


Gebbing is the act of scratching one's anus with a finger. Typically done to determine the amount of feces, sweat, or other slime that has accumulated around one's anus. Also, it feels really fucking good. Of course, if you use toilet paper, then it's no longer gebbing, it's just regular wiping.

My girlfriend wouldn't stop bitching about how I always smell my finger after gebbing.

by ehuzzah November 23, 2020

38👍 2👎