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A tip made by pro's in a certain field/area of reality.

Protips are generally tips designed to help an individual with a task, by describing how to make it easier, ways to cut corners without damaging the final product, and little tricks that have been found to do the task or make it easier/better.

Protips are also confused with/share common idea with life hacks. Don't be confused, life hacks are for life; and Protips are for everything you do in your life.

Found quite commonly on Infographics or 4chan.

Protip: Want to make your essay look longer? Increase the font size from 12 to 12.5 (no more, or its obvious), Move the margins out by 1/8th of an inch, and increase punctuation (full stops and commars are hardest to notice) size to 13 or 14. You have now added half a page to a page extra.

by el-granto October 18, 2011

30👍 26👎