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Derived from the "im14andthisisdeep" phrase "s(he) be(lie)ve(d)".

The whole phrase is saying "she believed him" and the letters in parentheses spelling "he lied", but the rest of the letters spell out sbeve sbēve

It's used to mock 14-year-old girls who think this is actually deep

dumb insta girl: "Oh my god look at this totally deep post"
dumb insta girl: shows him "s(he) be(lie)ve(d)" phrase
a man with common sense: "sbeve"
dumb insta girl: dies

by enemy-spotted March 25, 2019

2520👍 83👎

Off me tits

A British English term for someone who's intoxicated on drugs or alcohol, sometimes both.

I've been using so much, I've been off me tits for weeks.

by enemy-spotted February 10, 2019


The word intentionally put there by William Golding on page 10 of "Lord of the Flies"

Out there, perhaps a mile away, the white surf flinked on a coral reef.

by enemy-spotted April 5, 2019

26👍 10👎