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fucking hell

A variation on bloody hell, only less British.

"Dude, my car just got towed."

"Fucking hell!"

by erin® November 26, 2003

499👍 110👎


In the corporate workplace (aka 'circus'), refers to any individual, usually in upper-level management, that seemingly has little to no idea about what's going on.

"I've got a conference call with Norwood in ten - man, he's such a clown."


by erin® November 26, 2003

30👍 27👎

later gator

Goodbye. Short for "See you later, alligator". In-the-know people will respond with an "after a while, crocodile."

Him: "Well, I'm outta here. Have a nice evening."

Her: "Later, gator."

by erin® November 26, 2003

275👍 56👎


Acronym. Stands for "If you know what I mean". Mainly used in instant messaging conversations. Can also be used in conjunction with "AITYD" (and I think you do).

"I could really go for a tossed salad for lunch."

"Oh, I've got a salad for you to toss, IYKWIM...AITYD."

by erin® November 24, 2003

2752👍 7312👎