Source Code


Used by many in Ghetto or rap or hip-hop lingo......thought nobody seems to know who said fellow actually is!

"Go with the Fe-llow"
"Don't mess with my Fe'llow"
"Check the Fe'llow"
"Fellow me now!"

by f!$h!e February 3, 2010

27πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž

Goulais River

Goulais River

1-An area slightly North of civilization.
2-A word often used in insult
3-A short-form for Armpit Of Ontario
4-A popular destination for bears
5-Where cars and trucks go to die

1-Person 1:"Hey!, let's go to Goulais River!!"

Person 2: "Where the heck is that??"

2-"You inbred!! you act like you're from Goulais River!"

"You bought a house in Detroit? you're so Goulais!!"

3-"LOL, You live in Goulais??"

4- Bear 1: "Let's go to Goulais and eat some garbage"

Bear 2: "Where the heck is Goulais?"

Bear 3: "You're kidding me right?"

5- "Hey, let's fix up this perfectly good car so it looks cool and goes fast".............time goes by................."oops, I guess it's Goulais Rivered now!!"

by f!$h!e February 5, 2010

3πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Often used accidentally in place of "sweetheart" whilst communicating with ones wife....usually whilst also being distracting by something important (such as T.V.)

MOVE CUNT-FUCK, I can't see the fucking movie

by f!$h!e January 1, 2009

7πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


1 An often clumsy, brain-dead, half-retarded, dogs-ass-useless, painfully annoying person who can't seem to accomplish even the simplest of tasks.

2 A word used in place of "mess around with"

1 "God damnit bitch, I said turn LEFT.....you're such a Fuck-Wit!!!"

2 "Don't Fuck Wit it, the picture is fine!"

by f!$h!e January 1, 2009

34πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


A word you use in your fantasy world, you don't actually LOVE him/her, but if you don't say something that sounds like "LOVE" you'll never get to the next base.

Andy:"I wuv you baby"
Claire:"oh honey, make love to me"
Andy:"mmmm that was good, ttyl"
Claire:"buy me something nice tomorrow!! I Wuv You!!"

by f!$h!e February 5, 2010

5πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


The act of placing your name on Urban Dictionary and proceeding to tell the world what you think of your self.

See Urbanity

Editor 1:"What the heck's with all these stupid names??"
Editor 2:"Welcome to UrbanVanity my friend"
Editor 3:"Can you really buy 'UrbanVanity mugs and tee-shirts?"

by f!$h!e February 5, 2010


A Meaning or suggestion given to a word, but only found in the Urban Dictionary.

Charles:"By Joves, for the the life of me, dear, I do not seem to be able to find "Fo'Shizzle" in my Mini-Oxford"

Susan:"That's because it's an Urbanity, Charlie dear....you are surely the whitest man I know"

by f!$h!e February 5, 2010

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž