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The absolute most cringe person you'll ever meet

"Have you met Noah?"
"Yea, he's so unbelievably cringe it's awful"
"I know right?"

by factman11 October 5, 2021

Main character syndrome

When people think they're the main character of the world and think all their opinions and views matter and are correct. They believe they can change people and have huge positive impacts on everyone's life just like the main character from a movie or series. Because of this belief, they usually try to be involved in every conflict and in everyone's life instead of just minding their own business.

"Why won't Melissa just stay out of this? She has nothing to do with it"
"She has main character syndrome, just tell her to go away"

"So many people are starting to show main character syndrome on social media these days"
"omg yea, it's so annoying"

by factman11 November 3, 2021

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