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rib breaker

a form of torture used to destroy friendships, threatened via alias emojis.

"Im going to break her ribs bcs im a rib breaker"

"wtf, r u gonna kill my bsf?"
"omg tbh i didn't think youd get that"

by fawthy December 24, 2021


a very kind broken boy with mommy issues and a streak of toxicity. commonly referred to as "Him"

person 1: holy did u see axolotl walk by in the hall today with his lax stick
person 2: i heard he knows Kiki Rice
all: no wayyyyy

by fawthy December 24, 2021


someone who you never dated and never liked you but you have eternal claim over them. anyone else involved with this ex is homewrecking.

person 1: "wtf did u see marisa is talking to TWO of my ex boyfriends"

person 2: "ummmm didn't u guys like talk for maybe a week"
person 1: "whatever marisa's still a fake bitch I don't know if I can be friends with a snake like that".

by fawthy December 24, 2021

oh word?

an inherently sexually connotated term that is perfect for sarcastic flirting.

boy: ur def a good kisser
girl: oh word?

by fawthy December 24, 2021

2👍 5👎

pew pew

a highly insulting name that can be annoying to those not in on the joke. commonly referring to a last name, and described with finger gun motions.

"Yo marbro did pew pew snap you"


by fawthy December 24, 2021