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An uncircumcised penis.

(as opposed to Army helmet)

When I was in high-school gym class, most of the Hispanic kids had canteens and the white kids had Army-helmuts.

by ferdii6069 June 21, 2016

hair bear bunch

A gay threesome, involving males with extra weight and body hair.

Look out! That Hair Bear Bunch is going at it again!

by ferdii6069 April 25, 2016

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taking a schmidt

When a man is so henpecked by the females in his household that he can only take a pee sitting down, just like a female does.

Taken from the Jack Nicholson movie "About Schmidt," in which he plays a widower who continues with this habit long after his wife died.

"Whoops, the apartment managers are coming over today to inspect the place, and I've just cleaned the john......guess I'll have to try taking a Schmidt."

by ferdii6069 April 23, 2016

crack one


To fart.

Synonyms: rip one, blow one, cut one

Donkey: "Oooo, Shrek, did you just do that? Man, you oughta warn someone when you crack one like that!"
Shrek: "Believe me, Donkey, If that had been me, you'd have been dead. (*inhales*) It's brimstone."

by ferdii6069 April 22, 2016

The Curve

A system of grading school tests that's long since become the norm, doing away with the standard scoring of an 81 score making a C+, or 70 making a D-, and anything 69 and under an F. With "the curve," a person can have the highest score in the class, like a 65, and still get an A.

Good thing Teacher used "the curve": I got a 59, ,but I still got an A. Donnie got the lowest, a 14, so he got an F.

by ferdii6069 June 7, 2016

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Ancient term for constipated.

He was uptight for four days until he bought some prune juice.

by ferdii6069 April 20, 2016

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To fart.

You know the guy renting the room next door ? He's always squeakin'.

by ferdii6069 July 2, 2016

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