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Samoan Bath Towel

(v) The act of shitting in a bath towel and stuffing it in the linen closet. Performed at a party to which you were not invited but are too drunk to leave.

(n) A towel that has been shat in and stuffed into the linen closet.

Sole: Did you about Tau on Friday night?

Junior: What happened?

Sole: He crashed some Palagis party and left them a Samoan Bath Towel.

by fmitga July 19, 2011

39👍 2👎

Say hi to Art Briles

Radio friendly way of telling someone to go to hell.

Term coined on "The Dan LeBatard Show with Stugotz"

Get out of here and say hi to Art Briles

by fmitga September 30, 2020

Mexican Revolution

A Dirty Sanchez followed by a Donkey Punch.

To properly celebrate Cinco de Mayo, I pulled a Mexican Revolution on Antoinette then kicked her out of my apartment!

by fmitga February 27, 2010

20👍 3👎

Quarter Pounder with Z's

A very large joint assembled using 4 ounces of marijuana (quarter pound) and multiple Zig Zag rolling papers (Z's).

Is Harold's house on fire!?!

Nah, they're just smoking a quarter pounder with Z's.

by fmitga May 18, 2023