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shittiest town on the face of the planet.
the only thing people do for fun here is loiter outside of vons.
all the white kids are stuck up, extremely fake, and all write on their myspace about me's "i live the good life."
and the hispanics think they're hard core gangsters, but the most they do is steal everyone's ipods and tag shit.
everyone in the freshman class of 2012 and down is either a major slut or an anime freak.
i am ashamed to say i live here.

kid number one: "hey what do you want to do today?"
kid number two: "idk, what's there to do in moorpark? oh, i k now! let's go to vons!"
kid number one: "idk man, that's getting a bit tedious. maybe i can get some eighth grade girl hanging out at the tierra rejada park to give me a bj?"
kid number two: "yeah man, that sounds like a good plan."

by fmlislife February 12, 2009

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