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Solar Eclipse

1. The inverse of a lunar eclipse.

2. When a guy pisses himself and immediately takes off his underwear and pulls it over a chick's head like a ski mask.

I paid for that bitches drinks all night, she even took me back to her place, but put out NOTHIN! It's okay though, I was so drunk and pissed off by the end of the night, I just gave her a solar eclipse while she was sleeping and split.

by foogama March 7, 2008

13👍 12👎


adj. - how to describe someone who takes an absurd and unnecessary amount of notes.

Person 1: "Could you believe Alan in class today man? He wrote down every single slide like his life depended on it!"

Person 2: "That's just Alan man, he's always been notacious."

by foogama March 7, 2008

3👍 1👎