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White Chocolate Milk

It is something that is Mind Blowing, especially the longer you think about it. Or something that spawns new or provocative thinking.

Chirstopher Columbus: "The world is round, not flat"
Random by-standard: "Whoa! White Chocolate Milk!"

by foosballpele October 30, 2011

22👍 12👎


Common abbreviation or initials used on facebook, twitter, forums, and other social media wedsites, to communicate the phrase "Happy Birthday".

FB feed: "Today is Tina's birthday"
Tina's FB Wall: "HB Tina!"

by foosballpele May 16, 2012

53👍 32👎


When you or someone is available to play the video game Halo.

a) Hey man do you want to play some halo?
b) No, I can't. I won't be halovailable until after finals week.

by foosballpele January 28, 2013