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An extra planar being failing to mimic the far superior Guinea Pigs. Their mind powers fall short of the greater cavy, and they often go into a rage when they fail at their prime task of mind controlling humans. Beware their bite, as they sometimes will not release until death. Hamsters will only die if there is a possibility it would inconvenience a human.

If you fear for your life from a Hamster, seek out the shelter of the superior and more benevolent Guinea Pig.

by fred-of-fred December 30, 2005

18👍 33👎


Brainless. Lacking in intelligence.

My brother in-law is a gormless twit.

by fred-of-fred November 23, 2004

321👍 95👎

guinea pig

Clean rodent with no visible tail. Strictly vegetarian. Comes in large variety of colors and hair styles. Sheds hair at a fast rate. Like humans, it cannot produce its own vitamin C, so must take it in it's diet. Lives 3-8 years. Usually very friendly and affectionate. Makes a wide range of noses, from squeaking, purring, chirping and chattering. Their mind control powers are pure fiction. Really.

What are you squeaking about, Kiki? I already feed you earl... MUST OBEY THE PIG. YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND, EMPRESS KIKI.

by fred-of-fred December 22, 2004

267👍 254👎


Distributer of Anime, Manga and Sci-Fi titles.

Otaku: ADV just released Milk-Chan volume3. You gonna buy?
Other Otaku: Naw, I'll watch it on Adult Swim.

by fred-of-fred November 18, 2004

57👍 23👎