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Demi Lovato's evil twin.

Why buy Confident by Demi Lovato when you can support her twin sister, Poot Lovato, instead? Buy Unsure on iTunes!

by frickfrackpattywhack October 29, 2015

1👍 1👎


attracted to bread and/or kitchen pans

1. damn i love this loaf of bread i got right here. im sooo pan.

2. i know this may be a little weird, but i want you to meet my girlfriend. this is panny the frying pan. dont judge me, im pansexual. i love her

by frickfrackpattywhack October 29, 2015

31👍 28👎


precious species which should be protected and treated with love at all times. too pure for this cruel world in which we live in

i love dog

by frickfrackpattywhack October 29, 2015

170👍 51👎


god backwards


by frickfrackpattywhack October 29, 2015

3👍 8👎