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Field School

the field school is a school in dc, with trashy girls and stoned guys. the teachers are trashy and stoned aswell. no field girl can keep her virginity past the 8th grade. the woods behind the school is full of weed, planted by the students + teachers.

the field school is full of the kids who were rejects at their old schools. if your popular at field its because you are trashy and people talk about the stupid whory things you have done.
Sidwell-Girl:OMG did you hear what happend to that field girl at the party last weekend??

Meret-Girl: the field school slut!

Sidwell-Girl: yeah the one who lost her virginity in Brad Gerbers back yard

Meret-Girl: i heard she took it up the ass from some swedish guy...

Sidwell-Girl: probably those girls are really trashy.
-by someone from Maret School

Ok, it's obivous that this is about one specific person. Do you think that because one person does something, it means the entire majority of the school does too? Maret Sucks. We are not rejects, stoners, or sluts. We are students at a private school in DC that like to express themselves openly and freely. Something a lot of schools could not do for most of us. The teachers at our old schools did not appreciate us, and our art programs usually sucked. Some of us actually go on to lead very sucessful lives. We have a fantastic art program, which includes photography,drama, music, ceramics,computer animation (Multimedia). Our teachers know us from the heart and we all are friends with them. We call them by their first names and everthing's really casual. Unlike some schools, we don't act as though we are better than others because we go to private school. We donate to lots of charities through our dances, fundraisers and events. Although Field is considered to be bad at sports, we have actually won many championship banners over the past couple years. We are much better at sports than Maret and have better facilities Our mascot is the Field Falcon, which is a lot better than the Maret fighting frog. What eats frogs in the wild? Falcons. Case closed

Field dude: Hey, we're playing Maret for the championship in socccer!

Field girl: HA HA HA!!! We'll crush those losers! The suck at sports and falcons dominate frogs!

Field dude: Ha ha! Yeah Go Field School!... Hey! can you come to the movie night here tonight? We're gonna watch Superbad!

Field girl: Hells yeah! You know I'm there!

by frogs_suck_falcons_rule! April 7, 2009

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