Source Code

up there

When somebody is fairly high, e.g. after having smoked a very strong strain, or after having smoked a few bowls in a short amount of time. Also can apply to smoking a normal amount, but taking VERY LARGE tokes.

Andrew: How high are you?
Billy: I'm up there.

Alexis: Oh. My. Gawd. Are you high, Sidney?
Sidney: ...I'm up there.

by fubsish October 19, 2009

24👍 10👎

Useless Textbook

A phrase used by parents of, or by, a failing student when referring to their shitty grades. Usually because they refuse to admit that said student is a lazy bum who won't study. Usually these students are "special".

Mr. Lala: Well, Mrs. Smith, to be frank, Billy has a 28% in my chemistry class.

Mrs. Smith: What??! That's some load of crap, Mister! I mean, look at his textbook! It's useless! It's a useless textbook!

Mr. Lala: ...But he doesn't even pay attention in class. And all of his homework is incomplete.

Mrs. Smith: I'll have your job for this!!

by fubsish September 10, 2009

29👍 16👎

Fuck the what??!

When "What the fuck" is to fucked up.

Joe: Dude, did you hear about that soldier who shot all those other soldiers down in Texas?

Ben: Fuck the what??!

by fubsish November 5, 2009

28👍 8👎

anarchy t-shirt

a t-shirt that people wear around when handing out "zines" and wearing big ol' sunglasses. they generally have scruffy beards and don't look at you when you talk to them. some wearers of this t-shirt will be old and paunchy, with long pony-tails and a black "fidel castro" type hat on. they always appear stoned, as well.

people who wear these shirts generally are a combination of hippies and punks, as they like to smoke and they preach how the government sucks, but they also produce zines, and are more angry than anything.

derrick: buck is one of those kinda' guys who wears anarchy t-shirts around. i wonder if there are eyes behind those sunglasses.

jordan: i dunno, lets find out!

by fubsish September 8, 2009

27👍 6👎


A synonym for a purity ball.

Name stems from what actually happens at the ball: the daughter pledges (gives) her virginity to her father, who then gives it to her soon-to-be husband on her wedding day.

If you don't really understand the concept of incest, look it up.

Katie: Did you hear about Marie getting a purity ring?
Megan: Yeah. Didn't she go to a purity ball last Thursday with her dad, or something?
Katie: Haha, you mean the Incest-Fest last week? Yeah.

by fubsish August 29, 2009

37👍 10👎


A chick who manipulates men for free stuff.

She will often go out on dates with guys she doesn't like just because she is hungry. She will also sleep with guys for a fur coat, or will try and get loads of cash off of men she dates.

Basically, a hooker with all the pretext and none of the fun.

Ryan: Man, Kinsey's such a MAN-ipulator.
Ben: How much did you blow on her last night?
Ryan: Including that fur coat? Three hundred dollars!
Ben: *shits himself*

by fubsish September 24, 2009

69👍 24👎


Text symbol for one hundred dollars. Used by those who think they're bangin'.


Quincy: Yo, homie! I got me a ̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ιοο̲̅)̲̅$̲̅!
Jack: Fuck shit yes, what you gonna do wit it?
Quincy: Shit, boy, I think I'ma go get some chron! You wanna go hit that shit up?
Jack: Hells yeah, I be over in five.

by fubsish October 16, 2009

129👍 60👎