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muffin buffing

woman/girl rubbing her clit masturbating. "female getting off"

joe is not going to come home tonight...so i am going to take care of myself and go home and do some muffin buffing

by fuckthathotass69 March 10, 2017

anal muzz

the discharge that comes out of someones ass (male or female) after prolonged anal sex.

Lisa is always complaining about how much anal muzz she has when her and billy finish having anal sex.

by fuckthathotass69 July 26, 2017


snoopy is a person that cannot resist the temptation of going thru your cell phone as soon as you set it down and turn your back.

keep an eye on your cell phone, Stacie (a.k.a.Snoopy) will be at the party.

by fuckthathotass69 October 7, 2017

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

donkey fucking

when a guy is fucking girl from behind (ass or pussy) and she is making God awful sounds like a donkey. i.e. hee haw, hee haw. - when a girl i getting worn out from back side and she starts braying like a damn donkey.

i have the worst headache, i had to listen to my room mate and his whore do some donkey fucking last night for 2 hours.

by fuckthathotass69 January 31, 2017

23πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

snapper chat

when guys sit around and compare how good or bad a girls pussy is.

bill, i am going out with your ex girl friend tomorrow night. we need to have a snapper chat so you can tell me what that pussy is all about.

by fuckthathotass69 August 25, 2017

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Lesbian Pudding

Lesbian pudding is what a lesbian enjoys while she is eating out her juicy wet partner.

i walked in on lisa and beth last night and lisa had her head between beth's legs enjoying some lesbian pudding.

by fuckthathotass69 November 9, 2019

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

ginny horn

another name for the clit.

last night, while i was eating Lulu's pussy, i started sucking on her ginny horn and it drove her crazy.

by fuckthathotass69 July 23, 2017

78πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž