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1.) A mean-spirited person who only cares about himself.
2.) That glop of pussy snot that gloms onto your dick when you're done.

1.) Word! That asshole Fleming sure is a fucwad!
2.) I say, Margaret. You've donated a nice fucwad upon my tallywhacker this morning! Quite!

by fucwad March 14, 2004

94πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

front door trots

2.)see John Kerry

1.) Dat bitch Sue done fucked up ma weekend, she's gots da front door trots. Meh!
2.) Looks like the Dems are going to lose again this year, Muffy. They are nominating that front door trots fellow Kerry. Do we have any merlot left?

by fucwad March 17, 2004

65πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


impolite term for fuck, mostly in urban ghettos and in windsor, connecticut.

~hey homes, wha a fuck up?
~fuckn a nuttin, dawg. but ize gettin some big boned ho ta fornicate wiff at half 6 ta nite !

by fucwad January 3, 2004

103πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž


The act of pulling up on the girl's ears while she's performing fellatio.

Homes: I gave Tanisha a spocker while she was doin' her thang last night and I notice this morning that they is stuck like 'at still.
DMaster F: Word, nigga. You a regular LBJ!

by fucwad March 14, 2004

76πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž


1.) See John Kerry
2.) The act of providing yo ho wiff her first ass boning.

1.) Well, Buffy, I see that Asscrunchie Kerry is waffling on his so called platform again. Anymore pate left?
2.) Ima give Shaneequa an asscrunchie Saddy nite. I hopes her crack stank has improved and shit before then, Homes!

by fucwad March 19, 2004

62πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

sneaky uncle

The tendency your Dad's brother has for drilling out the bottom of his popcorn box and putting his penis there.

Uncle Jeb pulled a sneaky uncle during Schindler's List for Aunt Sarah. Afterwards, they fucked in row JJ.

by fucwad March 28, 2004

66πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

fuck that shit

A more polite way to say "I disagree with you or I may have another plan that may be different than yours."

My homeys gonna rob the liquor stoh again tonite. I say fuck that shit, I got home work! It's a goddamn school night!

by fucwad March 14, 2004

1879πŸ‘ 207πŸ‘Ž