Source Code

Profile Pic Validation

When someone makes a picture you posted to Facebook their profile picture, and you feel validated.

Guy 1: Dude those pics from this weekend were awesome, I made one of them my Facebook Profile Picture.

Guy 2: Thanks for the Profile Pic Validation.

by fun_socks January 19, 2011

26👍 10👎

Death by notification

When a smart phone gets so many facebook notifications, texts, emails, or BBMs, etc. in a small amount of time that the battery dies. This can be done by one person or a group of people either intentionally or not.

Girl: Asshole you straight liked my profile. My phone received Death by notification after receiving 98 notifications. I didn't realize this until my car was broken down at the side of the road.

Further after the phone died i continued receiving notifications as well.

Guy: LAY

by fun_socks January 15, 2011

21👍 8👎


A person who uses uses deception to to mask their true weight or body type. This deception may include posting photoshopped pictures of yourself looking much thinner to facebook, selectively choosing only face photos and "good angles" to online dating profiles, and lying about your weight on online dating profiles.

Guy: You know that girl we used to work with, she looks like she lost 100 lbs
Girl: Nah she is just a Transmorph, those pictures are all photoshopped, can't you tell by how blurry they are?

by fun_socks June 16, 2015

3👍 5👎