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Deployment Babies

Babies born to soldier's wives after they have been deployed overseas to fight.

Pictures of pregnant women with their soon to be departing soldiers represent the symbolism of what a deployment baby is.

Unique for war times.

Usually, the mother is a respectable woman, unless she is a deployment slut

John: Hey, why are you so said, mate?
Roger: My wife is 8 months pregnant with twins, and we are still on tour for another seven months...
John: Well, now you can be the proud father of deployment babies.
Roger: If we make it out of here...

by g-diggity June 21, 2008

26πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A term for a politician that changes his political party after showing years of devout support for the party he/she was first elected in.

A Spectercrat usually changes parties to gain respect, popularity, notoriety, or to help be a rubber stamp for an administration that needs votes.

Origin: Named in the honor of Arlen Specter, a former republican Pennsylvania senator since 1980, who switched party affiliations in April, 2009. His record of NOT voting in line with his party earns him this honor.

Notable Spectercrats of the past:
-Strom Thurmond
-Joe Lieberman
-Jim Jeffords
-Robert Smith
-Harry Byrd Jr

Geoff: Did you hear about the senator from PA switching political parties?
Phil: No, why?
Geoff: He's a flip flop! Switching parties just to garner votes and to get policy passed that benefits his state.
Phil: As long as that Spectercrat does what is morally right, that's ok with me!

by g-diggity April 29, 2009

18πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A person who supplements an otherwise normal diet with large amounts of pork!

They eat LARGE amounts of bacon or pork, in seemingly obscene amounts.

Bubba eats bacon for breakfast lunch and dinner. He is a bacontarian.

by g-diggity January 29, 2008

175πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž


A website that finds and aggregates Twitter messages about your favorite sports leagues, teams, players and events.

Instead of searching through many twitter acounts, a person is able to access this website and see updates on many different sports categories at once.

If a person uses the hashtag of #Twackle in their twitter post, the message will be posted on the website.

John: I searched twitter accounts for three hours to find out if Mike Teel got drafted.

Adam: Tim Pernetti tweeted the results ages ago. So did Les Miles. Just log onto Twackle to find this stuff out!

by g-diggity April 29, 2009

22πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

jihadi cities

Cities that are built only with the intention of setting them ablaze at the most opportune moment.

With billions of dollars invested into a city, a radical terrorist who happens to be an engineering genius can plan to build a city that with the sole purpose of destroying it to kill.

most likely part of a jihad

Cities are built up to the point of extreme population density, and filled with many tourists.

Giant skyscrapers meticulously tumble to the ground with geomechanic landslide-like wizardry, timed impeccably with the instant fall of dozens of other buildings through out the cityҀ™s inner core that fulfill their destinies in splendid calculations of self-dismantling sidewalk tragedy.

Ehror City, the future city of the world, is where 20 million people reside. There are only 4 exits out of this city.

However, it is one of the jihadi cities, and it was built by radical engineers with a plot to destroy it.

by g-diggity March 13, 2008

20πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

living in the sticks

To live in the country, far away from any major city or urban center. Living in Suburbia does not count.

Living in the sticks requires a person to reside in an area that is well forested, has farmland, and maybe some dirt roads.

Because people live in these rural areas, they are surrounded by trees, which are known as sticks. Trees are a most common thing in these areas...

Folks who live in the sticks are often refferred to as:hicks or country blumpkins or rednecks or hillbilly or farmer or ruralite

Language- English, interspersed with poor grammar and lots of double negatives.

Contrast- concrete jungle,suburbs,city

Kruti: Where do you live?
Ankit: Far away from civiliztion.
Kruti: Oh, you live in the country! Living in the sticks, eh?
Ankit: Yeah, the nearest convienence store is 20 miles away.

by g-diggity May 19, 2008

126πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


To drink (intoxicating liquor), especially repeatedly, and in small quantities.

There are plenty of people who drink just enough to be under the radar, but they do this to relieve stress and cope with emotional difficulties. They drink enough to get drunk over an elongated period of time.

A modern day McCourt might tipple.

Paris: I am such a mess. I need to drink some cognac or brandy.
Nicole: I thought you said you were done with the whole tipple situation?
Lindsay: Nah, I got her started again. It's not a bad thing.
Paris: Hott.

by g-diggity March 31, 2008

132πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž