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ACRONYM: Just Aint Right.

This word is used to describe children who "Just Aint Right"

Synonyms: POPP, stupid, dumb, naughty, never going to fit in types, not mainstream, messed up, etc, etc, and so forth.

they have little or no potential to be normal until they get the right treatment/therapy.

Maria: Johnny has ADD.
Hose: No he doesnt, Johnny is a JAR!

Alex: This boy needs to go to the institution
John: Yeah, there is nothing we can do about it. He is a JAR.

by g-diggity June 10, 2006

69πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž

Straight up Jew

To be completely embracing Judiasm, and consider oneself as a practicing Jew. Must have strong lineage, too.

A 'Straight up Jew' must be completely practicing, and not jew-ish.

A Straight up Jew would do the following:
1)Celebrate Haunnakah, with the candles
2)Study the Torah
3)Not celebrate Christmas
4)Have a jewish mother
5)Know how to prounounce those tricky "hhhlaahck" sounds
6)Go to temple every week.

Hannah: Mr Goldblatt, are you a Straight up Jew, or are you Jew-ish?
Mr Goldblatt: I am Straight up Jew, ach!

by g-diggity February 24, 2008

52πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


An etymologist is a person who studies etymology.

Etymology is an account of the history of a particular word or element of a word.

Through old texts and comparisons with other languages, etymologists try to reconstruct the history of words Ҁ” when they entered a language, from what source, and how their form and meaning changed.

An Etymologist is different then a philologist, one who studies linguistics and etymology.

Beware, those who are nescient often misuse and mispronounce'entymology' which is actually the study of insects!


If you want to learn the origin of the word nescient, then you should consult an etymologist!

Denise: If we had resources available to us, we could hire an etymologist to do our homework!
Kenny: Let's just log onto youtube and watch HotForWords...
Denise: Isn't she a philologist?

by g-diggity April 18, 2008

22πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


ACRONYM: Funny Looking Kid.

Used to describe a kid who is... Funny Looking!

If a boy came in to your house wearing some fugly clothes, you could say, "that's one FLK."

syn: fugly, ugly, weird looking, unusually dressed

A girl with three noses walks into the restruant.
hostess: That sure is one FLK!

Mark: wow! that boy looks weird!
Santos: yeah man! he's one FLK...

by g-diggity June 10, 2006

89πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


Acronym: Baseball Sucks Balls Club.

The people in the BSBC hate baseball with a passion. They are usually athletic soccer players looking to smite lazy baseball players.

The key argument for this group is that baseball is the lazy-man sport, whereas soccer is truly an athletic sport.

There is no violence associated with this group, however there is a lot of spite.

Jeff: I hate baseball.
Glen: It's not so bad, except for the fact that baseball players think they are more athletic then us soccer players.
Alex: why dont you join BSBC?
Jeff: why?

by g-diggity June 26, 2006

22πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

tee hee hee

How emo kids laugh.

They don't "haha" like the rest of us, they "tee hee hee."

This is usually followed by a long period of moping around.

Emo Nick: tee hee hee!

by g-diggity June 28, 2006

68πŸ‘ 124πŸ‘Ž


Rahm Emanuel's nickname.

Rahm Emanuel earned his nickname from his political style, where he is known to be a dauntless political warrior and peerless tactician.

This accolade was not due to his record as a volunteer helping the IDF during the First Gulf War.

Some say that his combative style as political director in the early days of the Clinton administration earned him the nickname Rahmbo, but he actually earned it in politics after graduating from Sarah Lawrence College in 1981; where, a talented dancer, he studied ballet.

He is President Obama's chief of staff, which is a key position in the administration.

Edward: The Obama Administration sure is fiesty.
Darwin: Yeah, especially with Rahm Emanuel at the helm.
Edward: Yeah, you mean RAHMBO, the former associate of the IDF!!

by g-diggity April 29, 2009

35πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž