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Bowl Game

A post-season football game played by the top ranked teams in NCAA Football.

In college football parlance, the term "bowl" can also be used as a verb: as in a successful team going "bowling".

The term "bowl" originated from the Rose Bowl Stadium, site of the first post-season college football games.

There are Tiers of bowl games too, some are more prestigous. The Rosebowl, Orange Bowl, Fiesta Bowl, Sugar Bowl, and Cotton bowl all have a great history, and are known for having the top ranked teams.

Teams must be in the BCS Bowl Champion Series subdivision.

Chuck: I heard Ohio state is going to the Rose Bowl this year.
Gnarles: Yeah, they go to that bowl game because they are a great team.
Chuck: Crappier teams like Kansas State get to go to the Texas Bowl.
Gnarles: Yeah, and Rutgers Destroys them!

by g-diggity December 1, 2007

26πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Lo-SIN: To be caught stealing food from the workplace.

For example: Carlos takes 3 pieces of chicken, does not pay for them, and he gets caught; therefore he was 'losin.

Origin: Carlos did steal some chicken. This word is derived from the end of his name.

Chris: dont steal that cake.
Keith: Yeah, If i catch you 'losin, you'll get fired.
Rich: aiight.

by g-diggity June 28, 2006

23πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Tube Snake

SLANG~ Surfboard

It is also the name of a ZZ-Top song, "tube snake boogie"

Alfonso: Check those waves dude; you bring the tube snake?
Riccardo: It's called a SURFBOARD you moron

zz top~
When she boogie,
She do the tube snake boogie.

by g-diggity June 12, 2006

35πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


To be insane, crazy, or senseless.

If you discuss something that is taboo, then you might be meshuga.

If a person acts in a way that senseless, he or she might be a meshuga.

Yiddish roots

The hysterical executive responded, "are you meshuga? Ask me about anything else... but please, not about THAT"

Mendel: Come on Heschel, schlepp on over to the butcher!
Heschel: Mendel, are you meshuga? that place isnt kosher!
Ruva: It doesnt matter, neither of you two are straight up jew.

by g-diggity April 10, 2008

112πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

d in an f

Short for 'die in a fire.'

Usually used in a sentence- I wish that hoe would just d in an f!

The phrase is most often exclaimed in times of showing angst towards people that get on your nerves.

Lisa: That girl just spilled beer ALL over my shirt!
Dee: Ugh, that's the worst, why doesnt she just d in an f?

by g-diggity February 24, 2008

47πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

facebook withdrawal

The process of seperating a facebook whore from his or her computer for an extended amount of time. The process is life-threatening and can result in extreme mood swings.

In withdrawal, users may go through four phases:
1) Craving
2) Fear
3) Denial
4) Depression

Some cases include instances where individuals try to use MySpace as an alternative, but this ends badly when they realize you cannot just click on the picture to make the next one appear

Facebook addiction is an issue with many consequences, one of them being, addiction withdrawal symptoms experienced when the facebook is discontinued. The symptoms of Facebook Withdrawal at times may be severe, if not life threatening.

Amy: Why is Ryan crying?
Sarah: Because he can't log onto Facebook.
Amy: Oh, so Ryan is having Facebook Withdrawal?
Sarah: Yeah, and now he is in the denial stage.

by g-diggity November 4, 2007

182πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

dolphin surveillance

When a surveillance team blatently exposes themselves on purpose, and then dissapears completely, giving a suspect false security.

Based on how dolphins are observed in the ocean...

"now you see us, now you don't"

A sloppy and easy to spot team trails a suspect, gets noticed, and then after awhile, they stop pursuing the suspect. The suspect realizes that the people spying on him have stopped, and then gets a false sense of security.

It would be as if the people tailing you had left you for a picnic. (or so you think...)

But instead of the sloppy team tailing the suspect, a new upscaled professional team moves in to do surveillance, with precision and fixed posts.

Jon: There were two people following us, and they were out of place; not dressed like most people in Manhatten...It is SO obvious that they are following us, i've noticed them twice today...
David: Yes, but now they aren't anywhere to be seen... It's like they dissapeared on us.
Jon: Diana told me about this, it's dolphin surveillance!

by g-diggity May 28, 2008

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