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peter petweeter

Noun-An abnormally small penis. Usually under 5 inches. The name insinuates its cuteness.

Brenda-"Awww, look at the lil' peter petweeter. It's so cute!"
Brad-"I would prefer if you didn't call Mr. Bigglesworth cute."

(Note, talking baby talk to a slong is usually considered a no-no for fear of insulting its owner, yet always tempting.)

by geniusH August 6, 2006


Noun: 1. A term used for undergarments worn for an entire business day that will more than likely need to be peeled off by the wearer as soon as he or she gets home.

2. Undergarments that must be taken off immediately one is able to do so in order to feel comfortable--usually giving off faint odor.

**In most cases, grendels have been worn longer than 12 hours or are crafted from unbreathable fabrics. The worst grendels are the ones worn underneath panty hose for 8+ hours.

After a long day of teaching tennis, Mark had to peel off his sweaty grendels and hop directly into the shower before doing anything else.

by geniusH August 5, 2006

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Noun-Big Dumb Animal. Term used when referring to a meathead. Is commonly heard uttering the question, "How much do you think I can bench press?" Tend to be big fans of Vin Diesel movies and big vehicles such as pick-up trucks and H2s. Can be seen "roiding out."

Other qualities to look for:
Enormously large appetites
Ingestion of high quantities of red meat
Wearers of tank tops and sports gear as well as Oakleys and Rayban sunglasses
Listen to Slipknot, Kid Rock, Rage Against the Machine, Audioslave, etc.
Drink of choice-Molsen Ice

Idols include:
Vin Diesel
Mike Alstott
Anyone on their college football team (whether the BDA made the team or not)
Steven Segal
Chuck Norris
James Gandolfini

Jill-"Hey BDA, nice head wrinkle!"

Random BDA-"Shut up, yatch before I slap a hoe!"

by geniusH August 5, 2006

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mister bigglesworth

A favorable pet name for a well-endowed slong.

Say 'hi' to Mister Bigglesworth.

by geniusH August 6, 2006

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drop dimes

Verb-1. To defecate. Can also be shortened to "dimes". 2. The need to defecate in a hurry. Usually there is a small window from when this phrase is uttered to the act of defecating.

Mark-"I really need to drop dimes!"
Anne-"Don't worry, I'm pulling into the nearest rest area."
Mark-"I hope it's close...dimes, honey, dimes!"

by geniusH August 5, 2006

10πŸ‘ 101πŸ‘Ž

roiding out

The act of taking anabolic steroids for performance enhancement. Usually abused by meatheads and BDAs alike. Side effects include back zits, temper tantrums and shrinkage.

That BDA is definately roiding out. Did you see the size of his arms?

by geniusH August 6, 2006

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Noun-Gay man; spritely in nature.

Ruben is such a rainbowbrite. The dude made melon balls for the barbeque.

by geniusH August 6, 2006

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