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Alternate spelling of "Phone". Derived from the 1337 verb "Pwn".

"I'll phwn you later."

by gentaXY February 10, 2009

149πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


A portmanteau of retard and keyboard, this term is used to describe moments where an individual has made grave errors in the SPAG of a typed sentence. Reboards can consist of simple typos such as teh, but can be far worse due to intoxication, sleep deprivation or general stupidity.

Reboard can also be used as a noun to describe a keyboard with poor design.

"Man, how did I misspell that?! I'm having a total reboard night!"

"Haha yeah, the MS Natural thing is a total reboard"

by gentaXY August 21, 2009

82πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Verb: to sexually penetrate a female in all three principal orifices - vagina, mouth and anus.

"Dude, your new chick seems like a slut - you should triforce her."

by gentaXY July 11, 2014

13πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


Contraction of "Rugby bummer" - used to describe a less evolved sub-sect of the Homo Sapiens species. Behavioural patterns are typified by highly homoerotic tendencies acted out within an organised sporting environment (most commonly Rugby in the UK). Paradoxically, this type of individual tends to attract affluent and intelligent females - possibly owing to their grotesque steroid-fuelled physique.

"I tried to chat up that chick, but her rugbum boyfriend intercepted me."

by gentaXY February 10, 2009

145πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


Acronym: Low Resolution Fitty

English (UK) variation on the American term "Low resolution fox". Used to denote a female who may appear to be attractive either in a low resolution picture, or when viewed from afar IRL. However, on closer inspection it is revealed that she is in fact, fugly. Girls who fall into the LRF category often have toned & attractive bodies, but sport sub-par facial features.

"I saw this really hot girl from the other side of the club, but she turned out to be an LRF!"

by gentaXY May 18, 2009

130πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


The sexual act of penetrating a female in all three principal orifices - vagina, mouth and anus.

"Dude, I triforced your mom last night."

by gentaXY July 11, 2014


Acronym: Where was my motherfucking invite?

Used to convey one's displeasure at being excluded from a social event.

B: "Yah, all my close friends and colleagues are invited to my wedding, trolololz".

S: "Wait, what? WWMMFI, you treacherous bastard?!"

by gentaXY June 20, 2016