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Je Baguetted

When a French asshole pretends to give you a baguette and decides to eat it in front of your ass.

LOL madame got Je baguetted

by getbullied69 June 30, 2020

2👍 2👎

Depresso Espresso

The physical form of depression when you drink your espresso.

The way to describe a depressed person who drinks espresso everyday.

Ahh it seems as Fabian Jablonski has taken the Depresso Espresso

Depresso Espresso Nick Lin sat there in a bad mood.

by getbullied69 July 12, 2020


When you get tilted from playing roblox call of duty and start pissing on the keyboard.

OMG hackrrr1111!!!!1111!1111 hfblsjbflsb

by getbullied69 June 29, 2020

1👍 1👎


The first french word you learned when you were looking through 18+ websites.

*Petite* pus** get walloped by magnum ding dong.

by getbullied69 June 30, 2020

243👍 32👎

The big sad

It is when you are so depressed to the point where you say lol in chat and start laughing.

Bruhhh nick lin has The big sad.

by getbullied69 June 29, 2020

2👍 3👎