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A small cask or barrel with a capacity of about 30 gallons (114 liters).
Such a container and its contents.
A unit of weight used for nails, equal to 100 pounds (45.5 kilograms).

Man, that KEG we downed last night was a bitch!

by gillios October 12, 2003

444👍 217👎


Ultimate compliment in the Australian Fashion Industry.

An undeniably fashionable male

by gillios March 20, 2005

21👍 6👎


A contempory slang term used for an amount of money.

Q) Man, u wanna catch that new movie?
A) Nah, Im outta Dosh!

by gillios October 12, 2003

976👍 135👎


Skip-Hop is the music genre that is formed when u mash a musicly talented skip together with Hip-Hop. Ahhh the wonders of it all!

Urthboy/Butterfingers/Most of 'The Herd'/Figgkidd

by gillios March 20, 2005

16👍 8👎