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When someone is sure that they aren't receiving their mail because everyone who walks by is a thief, as well as inferring that the mailman is incompetent and lazy. Thia leads to checking the mailbox every 15 minutes, with a bunch of whining about the check he is expecting,

When we finally got the new heavy duty locking mailbox, James stopped postalbating so much.

by googalewski September 23, 2015


Spanglish Literally = "Stinky Thing" or Stanky-thang. Synonyms: Butthole, Asshole, Dork, etc. Unclean person or thing.

El: "Hey Stinkcosa - are you ready?
Ella: " Dannnng. why you keep calling me that? I tole you stop it I mean it don't call me that"
El: You better wash that thing! Mira! You making the dog hide! "
Ella: Ah MAAA! Jimmy keeps calling me names!
Jimmy: Don't lie , I'm just playin with you. Are you coming or what?

"ahorita cabron"
"Hurry Stinkcosa we'll burly make it let's go."
Ella: I'm gonna tell my primo when he gets out - he'll kick you ass

Jimmy: I aint scairt. Go ahead with your stinky ass. He prolly smelt it aready.

by googalewski November 17, 2016

1πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


Asking your partner to chew a liberal wad of bubble gum while doing it doggy style with you. She (or whatever) should then blow the biggest bubble possible. At the right moment blow some pepper dust in their face. Ideally they will sneeze mid bubble and cover their face with gum just as you both come. Gesundheit!

While watching the mean dog pulling a "gesundheit" on Sylvester the cat I had an idea...

by googalewski May 14, 2021

1πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


One who's inner voice is on blast. When they think it, you hear it. Often affects toothless tweekers and alcoholics who are jonesing hard. They know they are ruining your buzz, but will continue to run their mouth even while you are beating them and afterward. The best solution is to give them some and find them a ride to anywhere farther than they can walk.

Will someone please give this speakerbrain bitch a hit so she will shut the fuck up?

by googalewski November 9, 2015


Similar to a Sausage Fest, but not as grim.

"Bro, this place is a brahlapalooza, were are all the hotties?" "oh well brah, let's get hammered!"

by googalewski May 6, 2016


To gluttonously chug down an entire beverage in one drink. Similar to chugged and Slammed except that it implies that the drink was to be shared and wasn't.

1. What happened to the soda? OMG you gonkadeenaed the whole thing? you hog!

2. Dammit John - i wouldn't have given it to you if I knew you would go gonkadeena on it.

by googalewski August 27, 2019

1πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

snorting practice

Cocaine, meth, or any powdered drug that is so crumby all it is good for is snorting practice.

That dope he's selling ain't good for nothing but snorting practice.

by googalewski March 8, 2020