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Beware of people who use "cute" words for food, ie. sammie, veggie, taters, nanners. maters and so on. These people usually have cute names for their private parts as well. So while they're preparing your "sammie", they are more than likely fondling their "herbert" at the same time.

"Can I fix you a (heh, heh) sammie?"

by grouchy February 2, 2008

4118👍 472👎

Brunch lib

Synonym for shitlib.

Used in leftist political discourse as a perjorative, mocking the spinelessness, stupidly, hypocrisy, and willful ignorance of American liberals.
“Vote blue no matter who! You’re probably a russian bot trying to get Trump re-elected.”

“Nope, I’m just not a shitlib like you. Hit the phones.”

Brunch libs defend Biden nominating Mayo Pete even though he has no relevant experience.

by grouchy December 16, 2020

21👍 9👎

french elvis

A crepe with peanut butter and bananas.

I made myself a French Elvis for breakfast at the hotel’s crepe bar.

by grouchy February 15, 2018


A trans-identified man (known in Gender Ideology circles as a "trans woman") who has kept their male equipment, and who insists natal female lesbians are transphobic if they reject the idea of sleeping with someone who has a girldique.

Such accusations of transphobia leveled against lesbians have, lamentably, become more common as more heterosexual men embrace transgender ideology and declare themselves trans, but do not take hormones or get surgery. The misunderstanding stems from conflating the concepts of sexual attraction and gender identification.

I told him that as a lesbian, I only date other natal women because I am exclusively same-sex attracted, and this LesbiMan had the utter gall to accuse me of transphobia.

by grouchy July 30, 2021

32👍 3👎